Thursday, October 9, 2008

Moses and Paul

Note these remarks by Moses and Paul:
For I know how rebellious and stiffnecked you are! Here, even while I am still alive with you today, you have rebelled against ADONAI; so how much more will you do so after my death? (Deut. 31:27).

Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling (Phil. 2:12)

Let's contrast and compare. Both Paul and Moses received divine commission from the Lord. Moses witnessed the Lord through the burning bush and Paul on the road to Damascus. Both are issuing these words shortly before their deaths. Yet, Moses says that Israel cannot escape the bonds of disobedience, while Paul says the new Israel cannot be contained by the bonds of disobedience. How can two of God's great leaders have such a diametrically opposed message?

What is it about the new Israel that is superior to the Old Israel? Are the nature of the two groups different? NO! Are people in Paul's day inherently better than people of old? NO! Is Paul a better leader than Moses? There is nothing to suggest so. Then what is the difference?
Might I suggest Rom. 1:16. Paul's era has something that gives them more strength. What is so "powerful" about the power of Rom. 1:16 can be seen when we compare the time of Paul with the time of Moses.

Moses experienced the burning bush. He and Israel experienced the 10 plagues and the parting of the Red Sea. The exodus event was such a memorable occassion that it is mentioned repetively in the OT as a reminder that God is devoted to Israel. However, Paul and fellow workers have something even more powerful than the exodus events; they have the Gospel message. Why are Paul's readers so faithful in contrast to Israel of old? They have the Gospel message that is the power unto salvation. It is hard to imagine that a message has more power than 10 plagues and the parting of a sea. And that is the power behind the power. Bu afterall, God's word spoke creation into being, and God's word keeps creation going!

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