Thursday, October 30, 2008

An Introduction to Moses

I wish to start a series of short insights into Moses. Let us start by examining why Israel went to Egpyt and the birth of Moses. When Israel’s existence came into jeopardy during the famine of the days of Jacob, Israel found protection and care in the land of their forsaken son Joseph. Israel became fertile in a fertile land (1:9-12). But there arose a new Pharaoh who did not know Joseph. He feared the multitude of the Israelite people and ordered the Hebrew midwives to kill all of the Hebrew boys. After the midwives failed their orders, Pharaoh commanded that all Hebrew boys be thrown into the river. The river that brought life to the land of Egypt is used to bring death Israelite males. But God preserved one of these boys because he had great plans for him.

Two Levites married and bore a son in spite of Pharaoh's efforts to stop Israelite growth. The mother saw that the child "was good." Most English translation comment on the beauty of the boy but this phrase has other significance. The is the same phrase God used to describe each of the six days of creation: "behold it was good." Could there be a connection between the two? Perhaps Moses is another beginning (genesis) and his birth is a new act of creation.

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