Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Several OT men found their wives at wells.
Rebekah was found for Isaac at a well (Gen. 24).
Jacob found Rachel at the well as the shepherds customarily came together at a certain time of day to water their flocks (Gen. 29). Not only that, but Jacob also flexed his muscles for his future bride to be by lifting the stone off of the well by himself.
When Pharaoh was pursuing Moses, Moses fled to Midian and sat by a well (Ex. 2). Moses came to the rescue of the priest's seven daughters and it was there that he was given Zipporah as a wife.
Jesus was tired and wearied from his labors when he sat by a well in Samaria. There an unmarried woman was drawing water when Jesus asked her for a drink. He promised her a well that would always be full of water. The woman had been married several times, but was "without a husband" at the present time. Obviously, she had not been successful with marriage relationships. It was at the well that Jesus offered her a different kind of relationship.
It is interesting how the marriage relationship is a great metaphor to illustrate the kind of relationship God desires with man. In the instances shown above, think how marriage and wells are blended together. After this study, I will have a deeper appreciation for the message of the song "There's a fountain free." Jesus offered the Samaritan woman a free, always flowing fountain in the form of a relationship. Think how the marriage metaphor and the well motif illustrate the relationship that man can have with God.
For the final lesson. If you are single and still searching for that special someone, try loitering around a well. It worked for several people in the Bible!

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