Thursday, September 11, 2008

Glory to Glory

I wonder if there is a theological connection to Ezekiel and Jesus. During the time of Solomon, God's glory had entered the Temple where it dwelt among Israel (1 kgs. 8.10-11) but the height of Israelite history quickly came crashing down after the death of Solomon. Many centuries later, Ezekiel witnessed the glory of God leaving the Jerusalem Temple (10). God had departed because Israel's unrepentant sin and rejection of God's law escalated to such a level that God decided to depart allowing Babylonian destruction and exile.

When Simeon took the young Jesus into his arms to bless him, he declared that: I have seen your salvation, a light for the Gentiles, and GLORY to Israel (Luke 2.30-32). Could there be a connection to Ezekiel? God's glory dwelt among Israel in the Temple. When the people rejected God, his glory left the Temple, and it was destroyed. As Simeon noted, God's glory again dwelt with Israel, this time through Jesus (who calls himself the temple -Jn. 2.19-21). Unfortunately, Israel again rejected God, by rejecting Jesus, and his glory departed (Matt. 27.46), leaving his temple destroyed.

There is definitely a connection, but what does it mean? This time Israel was not faced with a coming exile. The process was reversed; the departure of the glory from Jesus' body actually ended the exile of sin. As Jesus predicted, his Temple was rebuilt in three days because God's new temple is not built with brick and mortar but with spirit. Not only was his body Temple rebuilt, but his death led to the building of God's new dwelling place; the Church!

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