Friday, May 9, 2008

Mommas don't let your babies grow up in the time of the Judges

Since Mother's day is only a few days away, I thought it would be fitting to look at 3 mothers during the period of the Judges. Judges 13:2, 17:1, and 1 Samuel 1:1 all begin with the same formula: "Now there was a certain man from _____ whose name was ______." These are the only OT occasions for this formula except 1 Sam. 9.1. Perhaps we should compare these 3 occasions since they occur in the period of the Judges and understand the first two examples as contrasts for the third.
Samson's mother miraculously conceived and bore a son. There are many allusions from other significant OT texts that foreshadow the extraordinary character that Samson was to be. Samson's mother was barren as was Sarah, Rebekah, and Rachel. An angel appears to Samson's parents as one appeared to Abraham and Sarah. A nazarite vow is pronounced from birth. Samson's parents ask the angel to reveal his name as Jacob did in Gen. 32. It seems that God has invested a lot in the birth of Samson. Yet, Samson and his parents seemed to have trouble understanding his role as deliverer of Israel and thus he never became an effective leader. He led no Israelite into battle, he married Philistines women, he violated all 3 of the Nazarite vows, stayed with a foreign prostitute, and sought a life of personal vendetta. Samson may be the greatest disappointment in all of scripture.

In Judges 17, Micah's mother becomes obsessed with idols. Micah means "who is like the Lord?" (implication is that no one is like the Lord) yet his mother tries to have a carved image "like the Lord." Micah eventually made himself an ephod, made idols, and even made his own priest, all of which led to the Danites own unauthorized cult. Where did Micah learn his bad habits?

Contra these men with Samuel. His mother Hannah is also barren. She prays to the Lord for a son and vows to give him back to the Lord in service. His mother worships the Lord and offers sacrifices at Shiloh every year. His mother is true to her word and gives Samuel to the Lord's temple service. When trouble overtakes her, she seeks the Lord's help. Hannah's son led to wonderful changes. The word of the Lord returned to Israel (3.1). The priesthood was purified, and Israel revived its genuine worship of YHWH through the spiritual leadership of Samuel.

Lesson: Mothers have powerful influence. Effective mothers can produce national results. Happy Mother's Day!!!

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